Ways to Prevent Car Break-ins
DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP, OHIO – Deerfield Township and the Warren County Sheriff’s Deerfield Post would like to remind everyone about some things you can do to prevent car break-ins.
Thefts from cars tend to be opportunistic crimes. The majority of these thefts occur when a car is left unlocked. Even if your car is parked in your driveway, in front of your house, inside your garage, or anywhere else, be sure to keep your doors locked. Simply locking your doors can deter would be perpetrators who may be checking for unlocked doors in order to take whatever is visible in your vehicle.
Other ways to prevent car break-ins include:
- Ensuring that your vehicle is secured with the windows rolled all the way up and your car alarm (if applicable) engaged.
- Avoid leaving items, or proof of items, visible in the car. This includes spare change, sunglasses, any bags, power cords, adapters, GPS units, and more. Anything that may appear of value, or allude to items of value being in the car, should be hidden from view so as not to pique the interest of would be thieves.
- Get into the habit of stashing items in the trunk before you arrive at a destination.
- Try to park in well-lit areas and avoid your vehicle being isolated, concealed by larger vehicles, fences, or foliage.
- Be sure to report break-ins. If you witness a break-in in process please call 911 immediately and provide as much detail and information as possible including your location, description of the suspect, direction they may go after, and any other pertinent information the sheriff’s department would find helpful in tracking down the subject. Be safe in doing this and do not put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation.
- In the event your purse or wallet is stolen, contact your bank and credit card company immediately to cancel any cards or put a hold on your accounts. This is also good time to ask the bank if your card or account has been used recently. In most cases, suspects will try and quickly use your accounts before they are closed. You should also continue to monitor your credit in the following weeks for suspicious activity.
Doing these things can help keep you and your possessions safe and avoid car break-ins.
About Deerfield Township - Deerfield Township is a vibrant community of nearly 40,000 residents who enjoy a diverse housing stock, excellent schools, a top notch park system, and a bustling retail and entertainment scene. It is the most populous jurisdiction in Warren County comprising over 16 square miles in southwest corner of Warren County and borders both Hamilton and Butler Counties. The Township Administration is committed to providing a thriving and safe community for its residents, businesses and visitors. For more information about Deerfield Township please visit: