
Asphalt Resurfacing

Pavement Condition Rating Map (PCR)

Each year the Township performs a Pavement Condition Rating (PCR) evaluation on every Township maintained roadway to determine the current condition and anticipated lifespan of the pavement.  Utilizing the PCR value, a table is formed to assist in determining which roadways will be resurfaced or treated that year.  The Township utilizes a various number of pavement treatment methods from year to year.  The maintenance type and treatment method is determined on a number of factors including the PCR rating, pavement age, traffic volumes, overall level of deterioration, and available funding.

Woodfield Subdivision

Meadow Dr (9240 to Green Haven Way), Stoneboat Ct, Creekwood Dr, Surrey Pl, Schoolhouse Pl, Longbow Pl, Meadow Ct, Greenfield Ct, Bookmark Pl, Simpon's Trace, Green Haven Way, Pollard Pl, Lea Pl Wildwood Dr

Stony Hollow Subdivision

Stony Creek Ct, Stony Hollow Ct

Amberwood Subdivision

Dogwood Ct

Maple Park (Kings Mills) Subdivision

First St, Second St, Third St, McClelland Ave, Wilson Ave

Sidewalks, Signs, and Tree Trimming

As part of the annual resurfacing the Township will also be performing sidewalk inspections on those streets to be resurfaced and repair any sidewalk that meets requirements of repair in front of their home. New traffic signs and tree trimming may also be included as part of the resurfacing process depending on the circumstances.

Please feel free to contact Chip Cowan if you have any questions regarding the annual maintenance programs.